Class 10th English Chapter 12

Total Marks: 19

1. Choose the word with correct spelling.
Alarming Elearming Olarming Alearming
2. Choose the word with correct spelling.
Aquifers Auqifers Aiqufers Aquiferrs
3. Choose the word with correct spelling.
Entigirity Entegreity Integrity Integerety
4. Choose the word with correct spelling.
Efective Effective Effactive Affective
5. Choose the word with correct spelling.
Impve Emprove Improve Emproov
6. Choose the word with correct spelling.
Pracedant Precadentted Precedanted Precedent
7. Choose the word with correct spelling.
Companset Componsate Componsaet Compensate
8. Choose the word with correct spelling.
Standard Stendard Stendarde Stanndard
9. Choose the word with correct spelling.
Fascinating Facinating Fasinating Fascenating
10. Choose the word with correct spelling
Prodaction Production Prodoction Pruduction
11. Choose the word with correct spelling.
Fosseil Fossel Fossil Fosil
12. Choose the word with correct spelling.
Available Aviable Avaleable Avoilable
13. Choose the word with correct spelling.
Energy Inergy Enargy Engery
14. He acted as if he owned a car. The underlined word means:
Worked Advised Showed Prefer
15. He lost his job ___________ he was often late.
While Because Or Due to
16. Waqar __________ with Nazish.
Do not agree Agree Does not agree Will be agree
17. ________________ it was hot, he was wearing a coat. Choose the appropriate conjunction.
When Then Because Although
18. He could not go home. ______________ he had no place to go. Choose the correct conjunction.
But For Though Then
19. They left before the concert ended. The underlined is an adverb clause of:
Time Place Manner Reason