Class 10th English Chapter 9

Total Marks: 14

1. Choose the word with correct spelling.
Trends Trands Terands Trandes
2. Choose the word with correct spelling.
Saparate Separate Siparate Sepirate
3. Choose the word with correct spelling.
Dynmec Dymanic Dynamic Daynamic
4. Choose the word with correct spelling.
Doat Doiat Doeit Doubt
5. Choose the word with correct spelling.
Tecknology Tekhnology Technology Teechnology
6. Choose the word with correct spelling.
Statictis Statistics Stetistics Statesticts
7. Choose the word with correct spelling.
Mental Mintal Mantal Mentel
8. Choose the word with correct spelling.
Accountency Acountency Accutance Accountancy
9. Choose the word with correct spelling.
Etidude Aptetude Aptitude Eptitude
10. Choose the word with correct spelling.
Brieef Brief Briaf Brieff
11. Choose the word with correct spelling.
Fiex Fiexes Fixc Fix
12. The purpose of the letter is included in the __________.
Salutation Body Writer\'s name Signature
13. I went to see what had happened. The underlines clause is a/an :
Noun Clause Objective Clause Adverb Clause Main Clause
14. Right profession means to :
Develop a tradition Choose the career Select the scope Organize the graph