Class 9th Biology Chapter 5

Total Marks: 59

1. What is the most basic characteristic of life :
respiration reproduction digestion circulation
2. Who proposed this principle that all cells come from cells ?
Aristotle Robert Hook Rudolf virchow Sheldon & Schwann
3. Inter phase and mitotic phase are two major phases of
Prophas 1 G Phase 1 Cell cycle Cell division
4. In what phase does a cell prepare itself for division?
M phase S phase G1 phase G2 phase
5. In which cell remain quiescence for semi-permanently period in the GO phase?
nerve cells liver cells kidney cells both b.c
6. In which stage of the cell cycle most cell spend their lives
inter phase telophase prophase metaphase
7. inter phase divided in ----- steps ?
3 2 5 4
8. Whose cells never enter in G-0 phase?
liver kidney nerves epithelial
9. it is a serious of event from the time a cell is produce un till it completes and produces new cells called
Cell cycle Cell division Reproduction Parent cell
10. Which phase is a relatively short period of cell cycle ?
prophase mitotic phase anaphase metaphase
11. Which process is divided into G1 phase and S phase and G2 phase?
prophase interphase cell cycle Cell division
12. An interphase needs how much time to complete its cycle as compare to total time required to complete a cell cycle
50٪ 60٪ 70٪ 90٪
13. Which is a synthesis stage of mitotic phase
G1 phase G2 phase G.O. Phase S phase
14. A chromosome is consts of in how many sister chromatids ?
2 3 4 5
15. Which division is divided into prophase ,metaphase ,anaphase and telophase ?
mitosis meiosis nuclues Cytoplasm
16. When genetic material duplicates ?
m phase s phase prophase anaphase
17. A complete set of spindle fiber is know as :
mitonic spindle mitotic appratus spindle set mitotic set
18. in which stage of mitosis both nucleus and nuclear envelope degraded and finally disappeared ?
interphase prophase metaphase telophase
19. in animals during mitosis a parent cell divides into two daughter cells by pinches of :
cleavage cleavage furrow equatorial plate metaphase plate
20. Tumors if invade on other tissues them it is called as:
Simple tumors Magnetic tumors Cancerous tumors b, c both
21. In which phase of cell division spindle fibers appear ?
prophase metaphase telophase aina phase
22. Budding process is found in :
fern onion cockroach hydra
23. Errors in the control of mitosis may cause
Cancer ulcer constipation diarrhoea
24. process of formation of new tumors is know as :
synapsis crossing over metassis regeneration
25. in which process the no of chromosomes in daughter cell remain same as in perent cell after cell divion ?
interphase resting phase mitosis meiosis
26. Division of cytophasm in mitosis is know as :
karyokinesis cytokinesis binary fission fission
27. Sister chromatides of each chromosomes get bounded through :
kinetochore centeromere centerosome center
28. The occasion in the live of organisms where mitosis happens are :
cells replacement regeneration asexual reproduction all above
29. The tumors that remain in their original location are called :
be nine tumors malignant tumors metastasis none of these
30. Which phase of cell division is very different in plants and animals
metaphase anaphase telophase cytokynesis
31. Meosis involves in the reduction of :
Number of cells no of Chromosomes Number of deployed cells Number of print cells
32. In which stage of meiosis chromation condenses of into chromosomes :
prophhase prophase 1 anaphase anaphase 1
33. In meosis 1 each pair of homologous chromosome is know as
chiamasmata bivalent tetrad all above
34. In prophase 1 of meiosis kinetochore of spindle fiber attach with ?
kinetochores of chromosomes chromosomes spindle fibers kinetochores
35. In prophase 1 of meiosis the non kinetochore spindle fibers ----- with each other ?
combine interact cross fuse
36. Which phase is absent in meiosis 1
prophase1 s phase telophase 1 crossing over
37. Who was Thomas Hunt Morgan:
Biologist Zoologist Geneticist Morphologist
38. Drosophila melanogaster is a :
fruit fly butterfly fire fly non of these
39. who described the importance of meiosis for reproduction and inheritance in 1890
Thomas Hunt Morgan Darwin August Weizmann
40. Oscar Hartwig discovered meiosis in :
1875 1876 1877 1878
41. After crossing over each pair of homologous chromosomes remain as :
tetrad identical non identical bivalent
42. Who observed the process of crossing over in the fruit fly cell?
Thomas Thomas Hunt Morgan Thomas Hunt Morgan
43. The word meiosis derived from Greek means :
to shorten to make greater to cut to duplicate
44. In which stage of the cell cycle most cells spend their lives?
Prophase Metaphase Telophase Interphase
45. In which stage of the cell cycle each chromosome is duplicated and so it consists of two chromatids?
G1 S G2 M
46. During which phase of mitosis spindle are formed?
Prophase Metaphase Teleophase Anaphase
47. In which stage of cell cycle, the cell is preparing enzymes for chromosome duplication?
G1 G2 S M
48. Cytokinesis in a plant cell is characterized by:
The equal division of homologous chromosomes A pinching off of the cell membrane to divide the cell The formation of a cell plate in cytoplasm The movement of chromosomes from the metaphase plate
49. Which of the following is unique to mitosis and not a part of meiosis 1?
Homologous chromosomes pair forming bivalents Homologous chromosomes cross over Chromosome pairs are broken during anaphase Chromatids separate during anaphase
50. Which event distinguishes meiosis from mitosis?
Condensation of chromosomes Formation of metaphase plate Pairing of homologous chromosomes Loss of nuclear membrane
51. What reason would you suggest for the fact that the total DNA content of each daughter cell is reduced during meiosis?
Chromosomes do not duplicate during interphase before meiosis I Chromosomes do not duplicate between meiosis I and II Half of the chromosomes from each gamete are broken Sister chromatids separate during anaphase of meiosis I
52. Which of the following stage of cell division is very different for animal and plant cells?
Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Cytokinesis
53. The process of mitosis ensures that:
Each cell is genetically different from its parent Each new cell receives the proper number of chromosomes Cells will divide at the appropriate time Chromosomes duplicate without error
54. Which of the following distinguishes meiosis from mitosis?
The chromosome number is reduced The daughter cells are genetically different from the parent cell Chromosomes undergo crossing over All of the above
55. For mitosis, the chromosomes of cell duplicate during interphase. When do the chromosomes duplicate for meiosis?
Before meiosis I Before meiosis II During meiosis I Do not duplicate
56. Cells die each day apoptosis in an adult human.
50-100 billion 50-80 billion 50-90 billion 50-70 billion
57. Programmed cell death is called
Apoptosis Necrosis Osmosis Meiosis
58. What is called the accidental death of cells and living tissues?
Apoptosis Necrosis Cell generation Fregmentation
59. During Apoptosis , Cell Membrane makes irregular buds called.
Apoptotic Bodies Bleds Chromatin Bodies Tumors