Class 9th English Chapter 2

Total Marks: 33

1. Choose the word with correct spelling.
Civilzation Civializtion Civilization Ciavilization
2. Choose the word with correct spelling.
Farign Foreign Foregn Foraign
3. Choose the word with correct spelling.
Ristrain Restrain Restrein Ristran
4. Choose the word with correct spelling.
Courege Courage Couroge Caourage
5. Choose the word with correct spelling.
Soldier Soldiar Soljur Soldeir
6. Choose the word with correct spelling.
Sacrefice Sacrifice Sacrefise Secrifice
7. Choose the word with correct spelling.
Invesion Envasion Invesion Invasion
8. Choose the word with correct spelling.
Enrmity Anormity Enoremity Enormity
9. Choose the word with correct spelling.
Commendeble Commendable Comandable Comendeble
10. Choose the word with correct spelling.
Literature Lieterature Leiterature Literatuere
11. Choose the word with correct spelling.
Devotion Davotion Devation Divotion
12. Choose the word with correct spelling.
Contenuoiulsy Continuously Contienusly Contenuosly
13. Choose the word with correct spelling.
Emergance Emergence Emegunce Emargence
14. Choose the word with correct spelling.
Potriotism Petriotism Patriotism Pitriotism
15. Choose the word with correct spelling.
Divvod Devoid Dovod Dveoid
16. Choose the word with correct spelling.
Motherland Matherland Metherland MetherlandMitherland
17. Quaid-e-Azam was a nation builder.The sentence is a/an _________.
Past perfect tense Future tense Past tense Present tense
18. Teach him to learn.The sentence is a /an
Interrogative pronoun Negative sentence Assertive sentence Imperative sentence
19. Who offers sacrifices for the country? The underlined word is a
interrogative sentence Possessive pronoun Reflexive pronoun Relative pronoun
20. What a beautiful painting!
Assertive sentence Exclamatory sentence Negative sentence interrogative sentence
21. Does the Sun rise in the east?This is a /an _____
Interrogative sentence Assertive sentence Negative sentence Imperative sentence
22. The spirit of patriotism makes us stay alert.The underlined word is
Noun Pronoun Causative verb Adjective
23. All of them were awarded.The underlined sentence is
Imperative sentence Negative sentence Passive voice Pronoun
24. No compromise can be understand sentence.The underlined word is
Noun Pronoun Adverb Modal verb
25. He gave the Muslim a sense of identity.
Pleasure Recognition Strength Power
26. Inspired means
Boring unexciting Encouraged Motivated
27. All of them awarded Nishan-e-Haider.The underlined word means
Cheated Granted Protected Wanted
28. The word patriot comes from the world patriota.
Citizen Poor Rich Countryman
29. Countryman It is considered a commendable quality.
Admirable Poor Rude Guilty
30. Patriotism means love for the motherland or devotion to one\'s country.
Promotion Loyalty Cruelty Lovely
31. Integrity and honour are supreme value
Top Nop Hope Court
32. This is my native land.
Abhorred hated From one\'s motherland Monitor
33. We must develop a sense of patriotism.The underlined word is
None of these Noun Preposition Indefinite