Class 9th Chemistry Chapter 2

Total Marks: 30

1. Shells are represented by .
S,D,E,K S,K,P,L K,L,M s,p,d,f
2. Which are of the following have lowest energy value ?
3. K shell has sub shell ?
d,f d,s s,p s
4. L shells has sub shell.
s,p,d,f s,p,d s,p s
5. What is atomic number of carbon ?
10 8 6 4
6. ----------- consist of three sub-shell
O-Shell N-Shell L-Shell M-Shell
7. The maximum electrons in K shell.
2 32 18 8
8. The distrubution of electrons in shells and subshell in called.
Fitration Distillation Distrubution Electronic configuration
9. M Shell has sub shell.
s,p,d,f s,p,d s,p s
10. Identify the subshell of N shell
s,p,d,f s,p,d s,p s
11. S-subshell can accomdate maximum number of electrons.
10 8 6 2
12. Concentration of 238 U92 in nature is.
70 % 99 % 90 % 80 %
13. 238 U92 breaks by bombarment of ------------
Alpha Particles Electrons Neutrons Protons
14. Atomic number of fluorine is .
9 5 4 3
15. The maximum electrons in N-shell are.
2 8 18 32
16. The electronic configuration of which family is ns ?
Carbon family Boron family Alkaline earth metals Alkali metals
17. The isotope C-12 of carbon is present in abundance of:
96.9% 97.6% 98.9% 99.7%
18. Who discovered the proton:
Goldstein J.J Thomson Neil Bohr Rutherford
19. Which one of the following results in the discovery of proton?
Cathode rays Canal rays X-rays Alpha rays
20. Which one of the following is the most penetrating?
Protons Neutrons Electrons Alpha particles
21. The concept of orbit was used by:
J.J Thomson Rutherford Bohr Planck
22. Which one of the following shell consists of three subshells?
O shell N shell L shell M shell
23. Which radioisotope is used for the diagnosis of tumor in the body?
Cobalt-60 Iodine-131 Strontium-90 Phosphorus-30
24. The p subshell has:
one orbital two orbitals three orbitals four orbitals
25. The isotope used to generate electricity in nuclear reactor is.
C-12 U-235 Co-60 P-32
26. The isotope used for treatment of cancer in the body is.
I-131 Co-60 U-235 C-14
27. Which radioisotope is used for the diagnosis of goiter in thyroid gland?
Cobalt-60 Iodine-131 Stronitium-90 Phosphorus-30
28. The number of isotopes of Carbon are .
2 3 4 5
29. The number of isotopes of Uranium are .
1 2 3 4
30. The number of isotopes of hydrogen are .
4 3 2 1