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Class 9th Biology Chapter 2
Total Marks: 21
1. A systematic knowledge derived from observation and experments is :
Molecular science
2. What type of reasoning is used to forrmulate a hypothesis ?
Deductive reasoning
inductive reasoning
tentative reasoning
all above
3. Through experiments biologists learn what is correct about :
Data reporting
Reporting results
Summary of results
4. Biologists gathers actual quantitaive data from
5. Who found plasmodium multipled in the wall of mosquitoes stomach ?
AFA king
ronald ross
6. Biological method has been playing an important role for the last
200 years
500 years
600 years
400 years
7. The biological method comprises of ------ steps?
8. It should be a general statement \"belongs to \"
9. Which one of the following is not the characteristic of a good hypothesis
Must be consistent with all available data
Must be tested
Must be correct
all above
10. Scientists collect and organize data to formulate and test ?
none of these
11. Which is means of summarizing data through calculation of a mean value ?
data analysis
statistics of datab
12. Proportion means to join two equal ratio by the sign of
13. What would be the best experimental design for testing a hypothesis that bean plants require sodium?
Measure the amount of sodium in some bean plants
Grow bean plant with and without sodium
Look for sodium in leaf tissues
Analyze root content for sodium
14. A hypothesis must be testable to be scientifically valid. Being testable means that:
Some observation could prove the hypothesis incorrect
Only a controlled experiment can indicate whether the hypothesis is correct or incorrect
The hypothesis is proven wrong
The opposite of hypothesis is tested and proven wrong
15. At which point is a biologist most likely to use reasoning
While taking observations
During hypothesis formulation
During data organization
None of these
16. Which one of the following is not the characteristics of a good hypothesis:
Must be consistent with all available data
Must be testable
Must be correct
Must make predictions
17. Experimentation is only a step of the scientific process, but it is very important because it always:
Gives the biologist a correct result
Allows rejection of some alternative hypothesis
Ensures that hypothesis can be confirmed with certainty
Gives scientist a chance to work in the laboratory
18. Which of the following is a correct sequence in biological method?
Observations, hypothesis,deductions, experimentation
Hypothesis, observations, law, theory
hypothesis, observation, deductions, experimentation
Law, theory, deductions, observation
19. At which point is a biologist most likely to use reasoning
While taking observations
During hyphothesis formulation
During data organization
none of these
20. A gardener sees a large snake nearby. He knows that generally snakes sting, so he ran away.The gardener did which of the following?
Used reasoning
Used observation
Constructed a theory
Tested a hypothesis
21. A scientific theory has which of the following properties?
It agrees with available evidence
It cannot be rejected
It has been absolutely proven
It does not need to be altered in the light of new evidence